fftl.scipy — Standard Integral Transforms using SciPy#

The fftl.scipy module provides Python implementations for a number of standard integral transforms.

class fftl.scipy.HankelTransform(mu: complex)#

Hankel transform on a logarithmic grid.

The Hankel transform is here defined as

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, J_\mu(kr) \, r \, dr \;,\]

where \(J_\mu\) is the Bessel function of order \(\mu\). The order can in general be any real or complex number. The transform is orthogonal and normalised: applied twice, the original function is returned.

The Hankel transform is equivalent to a normalised spherical Hankel transform (sph_hankel()) with the order and bias shifted by one half. Special cases are \(\mu = 1/2\), which is related to the Fourier sine transform,

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, \frac{\sin(kr)}{\sqrt{kr}} \, r \, dr \;,\]

and \(\mu = -1/2\), which is related to the Fourier cosine transform,

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, \frac{\cos(kr)}{\sqrt{kr}} \, r \, dr \;.\]


Compute the Hankel transform for parameter mu = 1.

>>> # some test function
>>> p, q = 2.0, 0.5
>>> r = np.logspace(-2, 2, 1000)
>>> ar = r**p*np.exp(-q*r)
>>> # compute a biased transform
>>> from fftl.scipy import HankelTransform
>>> hankel = HankelTransform(1.0)
>>> k, ak = hankel.fftl(r, ar, q=0.1)

Compare with the analytical result.

>>> from scipy.special import gamma, hyp2f1
>>> res = k*q**(-3-p)*gamma(3+p)*hyp2f1((3+p)/2, (4+p)/2, 2, -(k/q)**2)/2
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(k, ak, '-k', label='numerical')            
>>> plt.plot(k, res, ':r', label='analytical')          
>>> plt.xscale('log')                                   
>>> plt.yscale('symlog', linthresh=1e0,
...            subs=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])           
>>> plt.ylim(-5e-1, 1e2)                                
>>> plt.legend()                                        
>>> plt.show()
class fftl.scipy.LaplaceTransform#

Laplace transform on a logarithmic grid.

The Laplace transform is defined as

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, e^{-kr} \, dr \;.\]


Compute the Laplace transform.

>>> # some test function
>>> p, q = 2.0, 0.5
>>> r = np.logspace(-2, 2, 1000)
>>> ar = r**p*np.exp(-q*r)
>>> # compute a biased transform
>>> from fftl.scipy import LaplaceTransform
>>> laplace = LaplaceTransform()
>>> k, ak = laplace.fftl(r, ar, q=0.7)

Compare with the analytical result.

>>> from scipy.special import gamma
>>> res = gamma(p+1)/(q + k)**(p+1)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.loglog(k, ak, '-k', label='numerical')          
>>> plt.loglog(k, res, ':r', label='analytical')        
>>> plt.legend()                                        
>>> plt.show()
class fftl.scipy.SphericalHankelTransform(mu: complex)#

Hankel transform with spherical Bessel functions.

The spherical Hankel transform is here defined as

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, j_\mu(kr) \, r^2 \, dr \;,\]

where \(j_\mu\) is the spherical Bessel function of order \(\mu\). The order can in general be any real or complex number. The transform is orthogonal, but unnormalised: applied twice, the original function is multiplied by \(\pi/2\).

The spherical Hankel transform is equivalent to an unnormalised Hankel transform (hankel()) with the order and bias shifted by one half. Special cases are \(\mu = 0\), which is related to the Fourier sine transform,

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, \frac{\sin(kr)}{kr} \, r^2 \, dr \;,\]

and \(\mu = -1\), which is related to the Fourier cosine transform,

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, \frac{\cos(kr)}{kr} \, r^2 \, dr \;.\]


Compute the spherical Hankel transform for parameter mu = 1.

>>> # some test function
>>> p, q = 2.0, 0.5
>>> r = np.logspace(-2, 2, 1000)
>>> ar = r**p*np.exp(-q*r)
>>> # compute a biased transform
>>> from fftl.scipy import SphericalHankelTransform
>>> sph_hankel = SphericalHankelTransform(1.0)
>>> k, ak = sph_hankel.fftl(r, ar, q=0.1)

Compare with the analytical result.

>>> from scipy.special import gamma
>>> u = (1 + k**2/q**2)**(-p/2)*q**(-p)*gamma(1+p)/(k**2*(k**2 + q**2)**2)
>>> v = k*(k**2*(2 + p) - p*q**2)*np.cos(p*np.arctan(k/q))
>>> w = q*(k**2*(3 + 2*p) + q**2)*np.sin(p*np.arctan(k/q))
>>> res = u*(v + w)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(k, ak, '-k', label='numerical')            
>>> plt.plot(k, res, ':r', label='analytical')          
>>> plt.xscale('log')                                   
>>> plt.yscale('symlog', linthresh=1e0,
...            subs=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])           
>>> plt.ylim(-1e0, 1e3)                                 
>>> plt.legend()                                        
>>> plt.show()
class fftl.scipy.StieltjesTransform(rho: float)#

Generalised Stieltjes transform on a logarithmic grid.

The generalised Stieltjes transform is defined as

\[\tilde{a}(k) = \int_{0}^{\infty} \! \frac{a(r)}{(k + r)^\rho} \, dr \;,\]

where \(\rho\) is a positive real number.

The integral can be computed as a fftl() transform in \(k' = k^{-1}\) if it is rewritten in the form

\[\tilde{a}(k) = k^{-\rho} \int_{0}^{\infty} \! a(r) \, \frac{1}{(1 + k'r)^\rho} \, dr \;.\]


The Stieltjes FFTLog transform is often numerically difficult.


Compute the generalised Stieltjes transform with rho = 2.

>>> # some test function
>>> s = 0.1
>>> r = np.logspace(-4, 2, 100)
>>> ar = r/(s + r)**2
>>> # compute a biased transform with shift
>>> from fftl.scipy import StieltjesTransform
>>> stieltjes = StieltjesTransform(2.)
>>> k, ak = stieltjes.fftl(r, ar, kr=1e-2)

Compare with the analytical result.

>>> res = (2*(s-k) + (k+s)*np.log(k/s))/(k-s)**3
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.loglog(k, ak, '-k', label='numerical')          
>>> plt.loglog(k, res, ':r', label='analytical')        
>>> plt.legend()                                        
>>> plt.show()

Compute the derivative in two ways and compare with numerical and analytical results.

>>> # compute Stieltjes transform with derivative
>>> k, ak, akp = stieltjes.fftl(r, ar, kr=1e-1, deriv=True)
>>> # derivative by rho+1 transform
>>> stieltjes_d = StieltjesTransform(stieltjes.rho+1)
>>> k_, takp = stieltjes_d.fftl(r, ar, kr=1e-1)
>>> takp *= -stieltjes.rho*k_
>>> # numerical derivative
>>> nakp = np.gradient(ak, np.log(k))
>>> # analytical derivative
>>> aakp = -((-5*k**2+4*k*s+s**2+2*k*(k+2*s)*np.log(k/s))/(k-s)**4)
>>> # show
>>> plt.loglog(k, -akp, '-k', label='deriv')            
>>> plt.loglog(k_, -takp, '-.b', label='rho+1')         
>>> plt.loglog(k, -nakp, ':g', label='numerical')       
>>> plt.loglog(k, -aakp, ':r', label='analytical')      
>>> plt.legend()                                        
>>> plt.show()